Warframe Blood Rush – How to Farm Blood Rush and Drop Locations

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Are you looking for more information on Warframe Blood Rush or How to Farm Blood Rush and Blood Rush Drop Locations then you in the right place. After our article on Khora Warframe Guide, we started getting a ton of requests to a full in-depth informative article on Warframe Blood Rush Guide. As I and my team has played around 3000 hours of warframe so, I think we know what we are talking about. 

Blood Rush Warframe

Warframe Blood Rush – How to Farm Blood Rush and Drop Locations

What is Blood Rush in Warframe?

Blood RushBlood Rush is an Uncommon Melee Mod in Warframe. Blood Rush is used to increasing or it increases critical chance as the Melee combo counter increases. There are two drop locations where you can find Blood Rush in Warframe, they are Misery and Torment. There are other places where you can find blood rushes such as Orokin Spy Mission or Lua Spy Missions. 

Blood rush will grant you a critical chance based on your combo counter. So you need to make sure you build up your combo to get more critical chances.

Blood Rush mod is one of my favorite in the game because you can use it on any Melee Weapon which also happens to be one of my favorite weapons.



How to Farm Blood Rush and Best Place to Farm Blood Rush in Warframe

  • Complete Orokin Spy Missions or Lua Spy Missions to Farm Blood Rush. 
  • You can find Blood Rush drops in Misery and Torment. 

Blood Rush Mod Stats

Rank Effect Cost
0 +15% 4
1 +30% 5
2 +45% 6
3 +60% 7
4 +75% 8
5 +90% 9
6 +105% 10
7 +120% 11
8 +135% 12
9 +150% 13
10 +165% 14


Blood Rush Critical Chance Calculation

If you wonder what, Math? Yes. There is a formula for calculating the increased critical chance for blood rush. The formula for Crit Chance is

Crit Chance = Modded Crit Chance × (1 + Blood Rush Multiplier × Combo Multiplier)


Crit Chance = [Weapon Crit Chance × (1 + Mod Crit Chance) + Static Critical Chance Modifiers] × (1 + Blood Rush Multiplier × Combo Multiplier)

Blood Rush Multiplier: Blood Rush Multiplier is based on the rank which can be at Rank 10 it will be 165% (1.65).

Mod Crit Chance: Mod Crit Chance is an all equipped mod total bonuses added together. Let’s say you have a Mastery Rank 5 True Steel which will grant you positive 60% or +60% and a Rank 3 True Punishment which will give you +40% or (0.40) which will total your Melee Mod Critical Chance to 1.00. 

Static Critical Chance Modifiers: Static Critical Chance Modifiers will give you a flat bonus which is provided by mods like Warframe Maiming Strike +90% (0.9), Cat’s Eye +60% (0.60) or you will be granted a special abilities like Arcane Avenger 64x Arcane Avenger +30% (0.30) which will not scale based on weapons base critical chance. 

Combo Multiplier: Combo Multiplier is your Melee hit counter starting at 1.5x with 5 hits and improving by +0.5x each combo level. 

Warframe Blood Rush Chart

Base Critical Chance Diff per Multiplier Combo Multipliers
1.0x 1.5x 2.0x 2.5x 3.0x 3.5x 4.0x 4.5x 5.0x 5.5x 6.0x
5 4.125 5 17.375 21.5 25.625 29.75 33.875 38 42.125 46.25 50.375 54.5
10 8.25 10 34.75 43 51.25 59.5 67.75 76 84.25 92.5 100.75 109
15 12.375 15 52.125 64.5 76.875 89.25 101.625 114 126.375 138.75 151.125 163.5
20 16.5 20 69.5 86 102.5 119 135.5 152 168.5 185 201.5 218
25 20.625 25 86.875 107.5 128.125 148.75 169.375 190 210.625 231.25 251.875 272.5
30 24.75 30 104.25 129 153.75 178.5 203.25 228 252.75 277.5 302.25 327
35 28.875 35 121.625 150.5 179.375 208.25 237.125 266 294.875 323.75 352.625 381.5
40 33 40 139 172 205 238 271 304 337 370 403 436
45 37.125 45 156.375 193.5 230.625 267.75 304.875 342 379.125 416.25 453.375 490.5
50 41.25 50 173.75 215 256.25 297.5 338.75 380 421.25 462.5 503.75 545
55 45.375 55 191.125 236.5 281.875 327.25 372.625 418 463.375 508.75 554.125 599.5
60 49.5 60 208.5 258 307.5 357 406.5 456 505.5 555 604.5 654
65 53.625 65 225.875 279.5 333.125 386.75 440.375 494 547.625 601.25 654.875 708.5
70 57.75 70 243.25 301 358.75 416.5 474.25 532 589.75 647.5 705.25 763
75 61.875 75 260.625 322.5 384.375 446.25 508.125 570 631.875 693.75 755.625 817.5
80 66 80 278 344 410 476 542 608 674 740 806 872
85 70.125 85 295.375 365.5 435.625 505.75 575.875 646 716.125 786.25 856.375 926.5
90 74.25 90 312.75 387 461.25 535.5 609.75 684 758.25 832.5 906.75 981
95 78.375 95 330.125 408.5 486.875 565.25 643.625 722 800.375 878.75 957.125 1035.5
100 82.5 100 347.5 430 512.5 595 677.5 760 842.5 925 1007.5 1090

Wrapping UP!

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